Grammar worksheets

1.,2.Present simpl,contin.docx
2. State and action verbs.docx
3. Direct and indirect questions.docx
4. Adjectives - ed, ing forms.docx
5. present_perfect_past_tense.doc
6. Past Simple or the Past Continuous.docx
7. used-to-be-used-to.doc
8. articles.docx
9. Modals.docx
10. Comparison of adjectives.doc
11.Some,any,no,much,many,a lot of,......docx
12. All, none, both, another.docx
13. will , going to.docx
14. conditionals.doc
15. Gerunds and Infinitives.docx
16.The passive.docx
17. Time Clauses.docx
18. Relatives Clauses.docx
19. Prepositions.doc
20. Past Perfect - all past tenses.docx
21. reported speech.doc
22. Question tags.docx